Thursday, October 2, 2014

How great thou art!

How GREAT thou art!

It's all I can say.

As my husband and I enter into the beginning of our third trimester with our third baby, I think back to when the thought of trying to conceive a child again had filled me with bitterness and hurt. I did not want to put neither my husband, nor myself through the possible heartache of losing yet another precious little life.
But now,  my heart is so filled with love and overwhelming gratitude to God... It's difficult to put into words.

He knows the deep desires of our hearts even when we, ourselves fail to acknowledge them. Whether it be because of disappointment, anger, hurt, fear, or what ever it may be. Only he knows the perfect timing and allows us to endure certain trials to continue to mold and shape us into his perfect design.
I speak for my husband and myself, when I day that this journey has certainly made us both more sensitive and aware of the silent struggles of many couples. It is not something that is easy to talk about. 

But, in his prefect and divine will, He certainly makes beauty from ashes.

All I can do is be exceedingly grateful and never forget where we once were.

I can't belive we will be welcoming our first born in only a few weeks.

Oh, how great THOU art!!!!