Wednesday, March 18, 2015

An Update on Leo, Myself, and Breastfeeding

It's been ten weeks (2&1/2 months) since my little man was born. My, have things changed. He's grown so much!


He first rolled over at 3 weeks.

He had his first smile around 6 weeks that just melted my heart and his first giggle at 8 weeks.

He amazes me every day. He's SUCH a happy baby.
Just thinking about how he is thriving just makes me want to cry tears of joy.

God has miraculously provided and kept him safely in his arms.

Little Leo is in six month clothing and swiftly out growing. He is a BIG boy. Not too fat.. But he is very long!!
He is veryyyy vocal. If he's awake.. He's talking, (or if we are in the car, singing).

He loves diaper changes and smiles the whole time!

He's very good at grabbing things and moving them around.. Usually into his mouth. :P

He holds his head up with ease and loves to sleep on hin tummy and have his bottom patted until he falls asleep between mom and dad.

He has gotten very good at sleeping at night and we've discovered a routine that gets him down.
He sleeps usually from 11 - 7 then 7:30 - 10. Sometimes he will wake for a feeding around 3.

We've all been getting much better and much more sleep.

We're all just trying to figure each other out. :)


I'm feeling sooooo much better. We have temporarily relocated and the change of scenery has given me a new spark of energy.

I'm embracing my new role as a mother and loving every minute!

Things are a bit easier now that I can differentiate between his cries and understand his needs much better.

I feel like I've got my energy back.
Although, I'm in the process if trying to figure out a system where it allows me to get all the house work done and meet all of Leo's needs, too. :P

I'm very happy in my new role and am taking motherhood by the horns!
Taking care of my sweet son everyday, gives my life purpose and meaning. Plus, I get to hang out with the cutest boy in the world all day long! ;)

Well, things haven't gone exactly as planned. :(
I had to start supplementing with donor milk around 1&1/2 months due to my supply decreasing drastically. Mainly, because of the third bout of mastitis in 3 weeks.

Then I couldn't get ahold of any more donor milk so, reluctantly I had to use formula. I hated every time I had to make up a bottle but I prayed over it everytime that God would fulfill Leo where the formula was lacking.

I have recently acquired 500 oz of donor milk, praise God!!! But that might only last two weeks. Little Leo has a BIG tummy!

After this last bout of mastitis I decided to take the antibiotics which subsequently gave us thrush.. Again.

It finally just went away but of course... There's something else causing pain.

**Warning... This next part is kinda graphic!**

I had only been nursing Leo once a day because his latch is still not the best and it was very painful to do. The rest of the time I was pumping and giving him that, in a bottle. I suppose, due to too much and too long pumping, I have ring blisters around my nipples and practically spew blood when I pump. Needless to say.. It HURTS!!!
I went down to pumping every 5 hours but only getting about 2 ounces... On a good day. It wasn't even worth pumping before that and put myself and my boobs through more trauma. I'm working with a lactation consultant right now to stop my supply cause obviously I'm not making enough to justify continuing. It completely breaks my heart though. :'(
I'm devastated!! But she said most women would have quit a long time ago.

I'm now pumping every 12 - 14 hours and still only getting 1 oz or less. And every time I pump, it tears the blisters back open. :( Today, I'm going to discontinue pumping the left because it has not given anything for a good 3 sessions. Also, it is the most painful and blistered.

Unfortunately, breastfeeding has been a fail for us.
It breaks my heart to think of it.
When he did nurse it was so so sweet. There's nothing in the world like it.. Despite the pain.

I pray god works on my heart in this area and helps me to accept the things I cannot change. I have tried EVERYTHING and multiple times. I did not want to give up.
Now, I am at the end of my rope.

I need to take care of myself, too.