Saturday, July 18, 2015

Leo update #2

Leo: 6 months + 3 weeks (posted late)

He's such a big boy. He was 21 lbs at his 4 month appointment.

At 6 months he is 19 lbs, since crawling he has lost a few pounds.

He began crawling at 5 months.

Sitting up started exactly at six months.

Still no teeth to speak of and no solds.

He is a large 29 inches in length.

He's giggling and laughing regularly.
He started pulling himself up with ease at 6 months.

So far, he hasn't had any stranger anxiety.

His favorite thing to say is "Dada dad daddy dadadadada"

He reaches for mama and papa.

He now is aware that we aren't in the room and follows up whimpering.

He's now out of the sink and in his big boy bathtub.

He is in 9-12 mo. clothing.

He does this cute dog pee crawl where he has one leg out like his peeing on a fire hydrant.

He also likes to stand on his hands and feet, with his tush in the air.

Mr. Leo is no longer fond of diaper changes. He attempts to roll over and fusses if he can't.

Leo now prefers to be held and bounced to sleep.

Occasionally it takes deep squats.

He usually takes 5 naps a day. (40 mins each)

He occasionally gets donor milk when I can find some, otherwise, he's on organic formula.

Although he is quite large, he's still a huge cuddle bug. He just melts into your arms.