Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Leo update #3

9/9/2015 - 8 &1/2 months

Leo is now saying "mama" all the time.

He learned to clap today.

He had been balancing on his own for about 2-3 seconds at a time for a month now.

Leo likes to squat.

We are working on rocking to sleep instead of bouncing. We are on a week steak. :)

Still no solids.

He finally got his first tooth in at 7 months, exactly... Followed by his second bottom.

Weight wise, he's back up to 21 lbs.

He crawls everywhere on his hands and feet.

Pulling up comes so easily.

Stranger anxiety has come upon us. :/ it started about a month ago.

He respects the edge of the bed.

He's just a growing baby boy!