Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Should Christians "celebrate" Halloween? - My Opinion

As we approach the halloween time of year, I have noticed many people who I know to be Christians taking part in a lot of halloween festivities. My family and I grew up never celebrating the "holiday", I hate to even use such a word, and were forbidden to take part in any measure of it. In Germany, it is a huge thing. There are large communities of witches and even parades to celebrate them (Fasching). We were taught that halloween was "satan's day" and it was a celebration of the dead. I did some research and found the origin of halloween.

The origins of halloween are Celtic in tradition and have to do with observing the end of summer sacrifices to gods in Druidic tradition. In what is now Britain and France, it was the beginning of the Celtic year, and the believed Samhain, the lord of death, sent evil spirits abroad to attack humans, who could only escape by assuming disguises and looking like evil spirits themselves. The waning of the sun and the approach of dark winter made the evil spirits rejoice and play nasty tricks. Believe it or not, most of our halloween practices can be traced back to pagan rites and superstitions. 

Woo! sounds pretty wicked to me. Many people say, "Oh, it's innocent today. It's for the kids. Its fun to dress up and get candy."  

Oh, really?? Is it innocent? Let us take a look...

 The Wiccans or witches meet every Friday night at a gathering called an “esbat.” They draw a magic circle with a six-pointed star in it called a “hexagram”, from which we get the word “hex.” The coven of 13 stand “sky clad” or naked in the hexagram and work spells by chanting and doing rituals such as “drawing down the moon.” The full moon is sacred to witches, especially if it is on a Friday. It is considered to be even greater if the Friday is the 13th day of the month. 

In the early days in England, there was another kind of witchcraft known as Druidism. The Druids were called “men of the oaks” and were a strange clan of men who dressed in white robes. The Druids worshiped Cernnunos, the “horned hunter of the night.“ Halloween was sacred to the Druids because their sun-god receded to the underworld on October 31st, which is why darkness increased and light decreased according to their reckoning.

As darkness set in on October 31st, the clan of Druids would put on their white robes and hoods. They would carry sickles and Celtic crosses as they began a torchlight procession. At the beginning of the procession, a male slave was killed and dragged by a rope fastened to his left ankle. The Druids would walk until they came to a house or a village where they shouted the equivalent of “trick or treat.” The treat was a slave girl or any female to be given to the Druids. If the people refused to a girl as a “treat”, blood was taken from the dead slave and used to draw a hexagram or six-pointed star on the door or wall of the village. Spirits of the “horned hunter of the night” were invoked by the Druids to kill someone in that house or village by fear that night.

If the house or village gave a girl as a “treat”, the Druids put a pumpkin with a face carved in it in front of the door or gate of that place. Inside the pumpkin was a candle made of human tallow to keep evil spirits away. Thus, the Jack-O-Lantern was and is a sign that you have cooperated with Satan.

The treats or female victims were taken to Stonehenge where they were raped and killed and then sacrificed on the sacred bonefire until only glowing embers were left. The “bonefire” is the origin of the modern day bonfire. As a matter of luck for winter survival, all villagers were expected to use the glowing embers of the bonefire to light their hearths. 

Alright, alright, this may have happened a while back but I did some more research and found even more recent and horrific incidents.

Weather we want to believe it or not, the truth is that there are some people out there that take this stuff very, very seriously. For many of them, halloween is the highlight of the year. It's not just cats that are bused and sacrificed on halloween. Children are involved as well. You wont find it very often in the mainstream news, but the reality is that a lot of people have come forward with stories of what really happens on halloween night. If you don't want to believe whats they are saying, then don't. But that doesn't mean its not happening.

Here is an older (I'm sorry) documentary of one ex-satanist describing his involvement in horrific rituals on halloween night.

Sadly, a lot of people have come forward with tales of ritual abuse. The following is what one blogger shared about her early memories of halloween night...
"Some of my earliest memories of the ceremony and worship of the dark side that I experienced here follows. One of the hardest involved being up in the canyon at the lodge where they gathered. Very late into the night of the moons shining upon they would begin. After the normal families left and the "die hards" lit the fire and continued to binge on the feasts and drink the hard booze it would commence. there was a man who was the leader. He would say, "all gather, lets get this thing on the road" and cheers would sound up as the wild tones echo. I and the oother kids were in a cabin like building. The big kids would then get the little kid that was chosen by the adults. That night it was me."
There are some groups that actually use "breeders" to produce babies that will be used for child sacrifices. The following is what Nancy Dunn (who was raised in a Satanist family) recently told CBN...

"My father worked in the aerospace industry. My mother worked for a doctor. On the outside we looked just normal, but nobody knew what was going on behind closed doors. My father was actually a satanic high priest, so he did all kinds of evil things. He sexually assaulted me, took me to satanic rituals. My father actually used me as a  baby breeder, which means I was impregnated so the satanists would have a baby to sacrifice to the devil in their satanic rituals. as soon as I was able to have a baby, I was pergnant."

I realize that talking about the dark side (not that there is a light side) of halloween is controversial and will probably make some people angry refusing to acknowledge that these things happen will not make them go away.

Now, why in the world would "Christians" take part in such a wicked and dark day???!!!

Lets take a look at what the bible has to say.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12

Let no one be found among you whol sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out of the nations before you.

Ephesians 5:11
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

1 Corinthians 10:21
You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons.

The bible also tells us that we should be "...in the world but not of it," and a light in the darkness. How can we set any kind of an example if we are doing thr same thing everyone of the world does?? I think anyone who claims Jesus as their savior should never take part in anything that even has the appearance of evil. No one in their right mind can say witches, ghosts, goblins, fear, and tricks are of the Lord, (or even slightly innocent). I simply cannot see how any christian can justify taking part in halloween. 
For those who think they or their child are missing out, we can start a new trend. Let's all dress up as princesses, supermen, or tomatoes and go "trick or treating" on April Fools Day. 

This way, at least we are not associated with possibly the most evil day of the year.

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